
my heart "beeps" for you

For some reason Landon is totally into robots. Instead of calling him a nerd, I'm trying to embrace it. Luckily Target was full of robot valentines. We all had a great day full of treats, the best perhaps was my lunch date with Landon at Captain Seas (where I got Greek food)!We made these valentines for Landon's class, they go on top of treat bags.


Posey Cowart said...

wow you are a good mom. maybe I was a good mom when I only had one too?! wait, I never had just one..... your so creative. Landon in def not a nerd. this year it's robots, next year it will be posters of cars with half naked chicks on them.lol

Stew and Terry said...

Wow! You are so clever. Thanks for all you do for your family! You make every minute count! P.S. No nerds allowed!