There's the right way, the wrong way, and the SHUMway!
St. George
We finally got to take a short vacation. Sam has 1 week off of school before the fall semester starts, so we took advantage of the time and headed to St. George to visit his family. Posey was in SLC visiting me over the week, she and I left Friday for SG. Sam came down later that night after work. She stayed a night there with us so she wouldn't have to drive the whole way back to AZ in one day. On the way down we had 3 car seats crammed into her rental car and boy was it a trip! We got pulled over and there were some funny things that happened, thankfully the cop was pretty nice. Sam and I just hung out all weekend and caught up on much needed sleep. Grandma Terry gave Landon his 1st REAL bath, and he loved it! Some of Sam's close friends and us all had babies at the same time that we wanted to meet, so we had a bbq. All in all a great weekend!
why does Landon all of the sudden look like a 6 month old!!! He is just going to keep getting cuter and cuter! Tell him brogan says hi and he misses him! hahaha
Looks like fun! I love all the babies...MORMONS! ha ha When are you getting your butt down here so I can meet this little guy I hear so much about? Oh and P.s. I felt like I had no time for quite a while too,you're not alone. Was lucky to get a shower.
This actually Tay. The pic of all the dads is priceless. We sure miss you guys and our new little nephew. Make sure you spoil him for us. Keep the pics coming.
Smith nose!
ah cute daddies!
why does Landon all of the sudden look like a 6 month old!!! He is just going to keep getting cuter and cuter! Tell him brogan says hi and he misses him! hahaha
Looks like fun! I love all the babies...MORMONS! ha ha When are you getting your butt down here so I can meet this little guy I hear so much about? Oh and P.s. I felt like I had no time for quite a while too,you're not alone. Was lucky to get a shower.
This actually Tay. The pic of all the dads is priceless. We sure miss you guys and our new little nephew. Make sure you spoil him for us. Keep the pics coming.
The picture of all the dads is funny because they look like they are still in a high school class with their fake babies.
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