Against better judgement, we took Landon to RedFest this weekend. It's
basically a big outdoor concert on the University of Utah campus. I've been before in the past and felt like it wasn't too crazy to bring a tiny baby... Ok, so I am a bad mom. Anyway, we felt pretty dumb wheeling the stroller through the line and i
nto the concert. To our surprise, it ended up being really fun! The Format played an all acoustic set, so it was perfect. Lucky for us, Landon slept the entire time. Until the middle of Jack's Manne
quin when the fat kid in front of us decided to light up. Normally we would just ignore the toker, but I figured it was a little early to expose Landon to this punk's bad habit. So we left, got some Chili's and rented a movie. Sam picked the flick, and to his defense it was actually pretty good! The move was called Nueve Reinas (nine queens). I love when people recommend films to watch, so let me highly recommend this one to you! It is in Spanish, but if you can read you will probably like it.

was it cold?
our house is suppose to be done in December...
Was danny deckchair checked out? I want to brush up on my spanish so tell sam to send more spanish movies my way.
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