We spent

the week before Christmas down in sunny AZ. It was so nice to have a week of relaxation before the big day. It has become (much to my father's joy) a

Smith family Christmas tradition to peruse the endless isles at the Mesa Swap Meet. Most of which are dedicated solely to southwestern T-shirts. I was conned into purchasing some jewelry cleaner for fear that the very sparkly 99 year old woman selling it would die before the demonstration was over. Buff fit in with the colorful crowd as she lusted after a certain leather fanny-pack. I'm sure Landon enjoyed this little adventure, not because we let some strange man hold him (that's my

brother) but because there is so much to smell, and look at. We made perhaps the biggest mistake by driving back to St. George on Christmas Eve. The drive

lasted an agonizing 9 hours instead of 6, thanks to the idiots stopping every 3 feet on the dam to take pictures of the new bridge. Christmas morning was filled with magic, and snot... and vomit. Sam's family has been suffering from the flu, or food poisoning, it's still a mystery. We were very spoiled with gifts, and lucky to have such great families to share the holiday with.

We have the same Anniversary! Ashley said that you saw me at Target you should have said hi I would have loved to see Landon he is so cute!
Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary! Did you make all your Christmas cards this year...it was cute. Little or should I say chubby Landon is adorable!!
i got sick the day after christmas= the day we moved.. i have a lovely cold..
I go back and forth between colors often...I know what you mean about the clothes....every picture I see of Landon Camden has the same outfit. You look so pretty in the pictures of your family on the side!
We have to drive over the Dam to get to my parents' house, and sometimes it's a serious pain. When they finish that bridge in 800 years or so, it'll be a lot better, as long as you trust being on a piece of concrete about 3 miles above land.
Landon is such a butterball. I love it!! When do you guys come down for Jerry Seinfield? Come by and say hi!! I will gladly watch Landon for you!!!
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