Last weekend we went to Las Vegas to see Jerry Seinfeld at the Colessium in Caesar's Palace. I

gave tickets to Sam for our anniversary back in December. We made it a quick trip and went there and back in one night. We had just enough time to hit a buffet, see the show, and play a few quarters in the slots! Seinfeld was HILARIOUS. I don't often laugh out loud, but at this show I couldn't help it. Funny stuff. I was worried that he (like most comedians) would be crude, and dirty. Seinfeld managed to crack up the entire auditori
um for over an hour without saying anything nasty! We found ourselves saying "that is so true" to about 90% of his whole

set. Afterwards he came back out for an encore, and just answered questions from the audience. This part of the show was equally as funny! Everyone should see this show.
(Sorry the picture is blurry. No cameras allowed, so I had to sneak which meant no flash.)