My family goes out to eat... A LOT. This is due to the fact that everyone in my family loves to eat.

We're well aware that we are pigs, and pretty much fine with that. However, Sam and the other poor saps that married into this family, are no doubt thoroughly disgusted with this behavior. This weekend was a prime example of the habit. Friday night we went to Tia Rosa's for excellent Mexican food. After that we headed straight to Cosmo and Jenn's reception for dessert. Ok we really went to celebrate their blissful union, but the cotton candy, ice cream, and chocolate was not far from our minds, or our loaded plates. Richard and Erica were in town for the wedding and on Saturday suggested Buca di Beppo for lunch. Not one person turned down the invite, and as a result the snotty hostess

was stuck setting up a table for 15. We always have fun and at least one good laugh when we're all together. As we left Bucca, Sam overheard a nearby table sigh with relief and comment about how quiet the almost empty restaurant now was. Needles to say, Sam suggested that next Saturday we have a field day. You know, get outside and enjoy the fresh air, play some ball, and maybe even eat a home cooked meal. Something tells me the turnout won't be as promising as say, a lunch invite.

a clever re-enactment depicting one of buff's timeless classics
Umm... I don't think Ray is disgusted with this behavior. Just a guess. Maybe this is why we get along with your family, too.
OK that is totally my family and Derrick seriously just eats to live and would rather not have to bother with it! I wished I was like that but clearly I am the opposite.
Sam- This is Shawn. You need to put that picture of you when you were little that you carred around in your wallet. The t-ball one. I want to compare it to Landon, cause i sware he is a spitting image of little Sam.
Bravo father! Dad is really letting out his inner spaz these days!
OH! and good form Ramuss! OUr family might have a facial expression problem as well as an eating one.
Your having way too much fun! We miss you party people.
we secretly check your blog as often as bethanys.
would you please add us to your friendz. or would you be upset if we added you? think about it.
Hey pass this on to Sam... Let him know he made a wise decision in not marrying the crazy girl that stalked him, we just saw her on the Washington county arrests. Sweet eh.
i'm so sorry. sorry sorry sorry. I thought I tagged you! you are tagged. I sound like mumsie.
I feel like I am reading a story about my family! ha ha That is so funny! It was fun having lunch with you and Landon yesterday. Amy, he is so stinkin cute, I just wanna squeeze him! But I'm scared I'll pop him! ha ha Let's do Joe's Farm Grill next week so the kids can run wild and we can relax!
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