Last weekend the Smith family crossed the border for our annual Mexico trip. We were excited to have Sam's brother and his family join us this year. After surviving the ride down, with no A/C and one seat short, we were ready for a weekend of fun and food at the beach. Once we crossed the border my mother was kind enough to "translate" every spanish sign she saw into english for us. My favorite was the
llanteria which, according to mom, means "galloping horses". Hmmm and all this time I thought it was just a tire shop. One of the rules in Mexico is that you have to get up when the sun does, maybe because the instant it rises your tent becomes unbearably oven like. Even if you can stand the oven, the screaming/talking of children can for some reason penetrate the sound proof tents. It's ok though, because you have to get up early in order to find sea creatures in the tide pools. This year the creatures consisted mainly of hermit crabs. I did capture a bright orange starfish that was thoroughly mauled by children all weekend. You can imagine our excitement at the tide pools one morning when my mother screamed "I found some sort of glittery jelly fish, and it's ALIVE!" Here is a picture of the miraculous discovery.
Shhh, we won't tell her it's really a fishing lure.We welcomed a new treat to the beach this year, mangoes on a

stick! Despite being allergic I ate at least one a day, resulting in a very itchy rash on my face. Don't worry it's almost cleared up now. Thousands of burritos, tacos and popsicles later we still weren't satisfied. The one

thing necessary to complete a Mexico adventure is a trip to the "dirt mall"
(which is now paved and lovely) to get some fresh CHURROS!
Mother's day fell on the Sunday we left for home, the sibs gave our mother a clever card and a gift cert. to her favorite place, Gecko Grill. She eats there once a week at least. Sam surprised me weeks earlier with a new video camera. Most of you know what this means...
i'm jealous! WHAT!!! the dirt mall is paved now?????
AMY! Your mom cracks me up! Why didn't you get your hairbraided?
Don't worry. The AC went out on our four year old car the other day and they want $900 to fix it (it is not covered by the extended warranty). Which we will not pay. So it brings back the sweet memories of riding in the tan van with children strewn about sweating profusely. Hopefully nobody will loose a toe.
All you need are some spray bottles, Richard.
How do you know it isn't a real sea urchin? You could be the one that is wrong. The mangos were worth it!
Your mom is hilarious!!! I want a mango on a stick.
Oh, and tell mother not to worry, last year when we were snorkeling in Hawaii Erica started screaming that she saw an octopus. It was a black garbage bag.
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