There's the right way, the wrong way, and the SHUMway!
may the force be with you
This year for Halloween we went all out! I got overly ambitious and made all of our costumes. In doing so, I have come to find out I like to sew! Landon did pretty well for us this season. We got to go trick-or-treating 3 times. Once with the Hammonds at Intel (where Ray works, thanks for the invite guys!), once at the ward trunk-or-treat, and once on Halloween night. Needless to say, Sam and I are greatly enjoying the spoils! We met up with family and some friends at the Hammond's annual Halloween party for some delicious soup, bread bowls, and homemade doughnuts (thanks Em and Karin)! The company and events made for a fantastic evening!
Wonderful costumes, Amy! You have your mom's sewing talent!! You guys turned out super, but, of course, Landon takes first prize. Hahaha, I love your dad's Soggy Bottom Boys outfit, not to mention your mom's bewitching garb. Thanks for sharing fun pictures of how you acquire your 2-year candy supply. :D
Landon is THE BEST!! Those costumes are wonderful. I especially loved your shoes. Are those your moms nursing shoes - or am I just an idiot?! Don't answer that one... Cute! Cute!
Wonderful costumes, Amy! You have your mom's sewing talent!! You guys turned out super, but, of course, Landon takes first prize. Hahaha, I love your dad's Soggy Bottom Boys outfit, not to mention your mom's bewitching garb. Thanks for sharing fun pictures of how you acquire your 2-year candy supply. :D
oh my gosh! i am laughing so hard at landon i can't see straight! way to go- ms.crafty!
Great job Martha! You guys look great!
Duuuuude. Wait till I show Jed your halloween pics. He's going to now want ME to sew...wait, maybe I won't show him!
Great job and I would have to vote Landon's the BEST COSTUME THIS YEAR!
omg. amazing. if steve saw this he would freak. i think you just lived our halloween dream.
You guys are the costumes!!
i cant tell you how hard i laughed at this. landon looks so unamused, which makes it that much better.
Landon is THE BEST!! Those costumes are wonderful. I especially loved your shoes. Are those your moms nursing shoes - or am I just an idiot?! Don't answer that one... Cute! Cute!
So cute! Love your costume!
Landon looks ssooo cute! I am laughing right now! You did an amazing job with all of the costumes~!
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