I tried to be domestic, and failed miserably. Our ward had a dessert auction to raise money for the YM/YW camps. I thought triple chocolate pretzels with caramel sounded easy enough. WRONG. I restrained my inner fat-girl and didn't even taste test. The downside to this was by the time I got to this stage I realized I had cooked the caramel too long, and ended up with hundreds of crunchy sticks.

They were beautiful, but hard as rocks. I couldn't offer them for public consumption, let alone sell them to some helpless member of our new ward. I even made cute tags to cut out and tie around each batch. After throwing out hours of work and pounds of chocolate and caramel, I defaulted to brownies. Live and learn.
I can cook/bake until it's something other people are going to eat. Then it always gets messed up somehow.
What program did you use to make the tags?
At least they look pretty :)
I remember you making the super sweet witches hat cookies around Halloween!
The tag is cute! A lot of baking is learning what not to do! (at least that's how it goes for me!)
Amy, it looks like you are having such a great time! I want to move there!! Sorry about the pretzels. I want to cry for you, I would have been so mad!
I still would have eaten them. You could have added a warning that they were crunchy. They look beautiful!
i'm glad i'm not the only one... i may or may not have made taffy with salt instead of sugar... and i may or may not have accidentally used carrot baby food instead of pumpkin for pumpkin cookies (in my defense, my mom said there was already pumpkin open in a tupperwear in the fridge.. no labels..)
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