All I wanted was to feel cute on my birthday so I decided to spoil myself and get my hair done. I last had it done in April. I made an appointment at Ulta and was excited when the Salon Manager said she had a spot for me. I thought since I'm getting the BEST stylist at the place I was willing to pay the extra bucks that only the top stylist is allowed to charge. My heart sank when the 95yr old lady walked out and said she was my stylist. After being denied the hair I went in for and enduring the WORST weave of my life I exited the Salon well over $100
(don't tell Sam) poorer and looking like this:

The cut makes me gag every time I look in the mirror. Good thing my hair was super long to start, she hacked about 4inches off the length and I'm almost sure she used a bread knife. At least she didn't burn her hands
(thanks to the oven mitts she wore) while singeing my hair with the flat iron. I wrote a hateful note, and plan to call cooperate on Monday. Thank goodness for foodstamps and their ability to buy Ghiradelli chocolate turtle cheesecake, the only part of my day worth remembering!
what the... I just highlighted my sister-in-law's hair and did a better job than that.. for $10!! Getting my hair done by strangers always terrifies me
o.m.g these pictures are worse! you poor thing. butter knife sounds about right by the looks of the knawing in the front.. what 'senior stylist' has bleed marks!? ugh. sorry it ruined your bday!
So sorry that happened and on your bday even worse! CRAP I would totally write and send your pics. Good Luck with it.
Happy Birthday
I am so sorry! I have been there way too many times to remember! My hair is still recovering from a bad hair cut that happened 2 summers ago!!
Stop being so dramatic Amy.... you look fantastic for a TWENTY SEVEN year old... jk. No but seriously how did we get so old? where did the time go? craziness. I think the whole experience on your b-day is awesome. something to remember forever
amy....oh condolences... and on your birthday?!? i think you would have found me with my wrists cut hanging from a ceiling fan...
Your blog always makes me laugh. However...horror stories like this I just do not understand. Why is someone like that doing hair anyways?! If you are ever in town I can do your hair for at least half of what you paid.
Amy I am dying right now. I saw this post on fb but hearing and seeing all the details oh my gosh! Seriously I am dying. I have tears in my eyes from laughing, sorry I have to be honest I can't stop laughing at you horror story. I'm just picturing how it all went down and how you were so excited. oh man, Amy your the freaking best! I love ya!!!
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