Happy Birthday to Me! I was spoiled rotten by my boys, and family this year. My birthday fell on a Sunday and it just happened to be the primary program. Landon did a great job, memorized all his parts and made me so proud!
This is what I told Sam to make for my bday cake
This is what I got instead... not a bad swap!

Amidst all the stress, and our never ending car problems, this year I have come to realize I actually enjoy Connecticut! It's weird for me, because AZ is my home and I always just imagined that's where I would be happiest. With only 8 months until Sam graduates, it seems too short! I find myself feeling sad to have to leave. I plan to enjoy the next year and take advantage of our experiences here. A bunch of my friends out here have birthdays in the Fall, so we had a girls lunch at Cheesecake Factory sans kids to celebrate. Thanks everyone for making my birthday special!