Which one?
Who do you think Landon looks like more? I've heard he looks "exactly" like me, while other's swear he looks just like Sam. It's just fun to compare. The "Look-a-Like" meter on myheritage.com won't work for me, so let me know what you think!
Thats a toughy! I honestly think he is a good mix of both of you. Thats exactly what people do with Dusty and I with Brayton. He is just a good mix of us both.
I think that he looks like you. I think that he has your husband's eyes though. I don't know why but the first time that I saw that picture that you put on the side bar I thought he looked like you. When he gets older it will be more obvious which one of you he looks like. At least that is what has happened with Camden he looks just like Derrick and the older he gets the more he looks like Derrick.
I think he looks alot like our side of the fam until you see his mouth , which looks just like Sam's. Either way, he's very cute and I can't wait to see him in a little more than a week!
That is hilarious! He is Sam! No getting around it! my "lovely" flowers are a decoration from big lots! you gotta love that place!
He has a smith-fat-face but sam's mouth.
SAM...but I haven't really seen him in real life, and I know Sam better so I don't know if my opinion really counts...
I think it depends on the picture. I can see both of you in him. To be honest though I do see more of you usually!! He is so cute.
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