What a bargain!
We want to dress Landon up for Halloween. Well, actually Sam wants to dress him up, but I know it's only so he can take him trick-or-treating and reap the benefits. I feel uneasy about spending $20+ on a costume for someone who will wear it for 3 hours, not to mention have no rec
ollection of the event. We found these cute T-shirts and hats at Target for a buck! There you go, instant Halloween costume! I know Landon looks disappointed, but don't worry its only a matter of time before he is infected with the bargain bug. If my mom has taught me anything, it is the importance of a good bargain! She has instilled in us since childhood that digging through the clearance racks is far more thrilling than spending a little more money to get what you really wanted. So, when I come across a hidden treasure I can't help but snatch it up! Most of the time I really don't need it, but to Sam's dismay I insist. If it's on sale I HAVE to buy it. I just cant resist the urge to save money. I realize that in spending money I am not really saving it. I also acknowledge that this is a sickness. Thank you Mother.
We spoke in church on Sunday so we decided to dress Landon up, that and the fact that this "6 month" outfit is almost too small for our 2 month old. I don't mind speaking in church, if I'm prepared. For some reason I thought I could just wing it... NOT my best idea. Sunday morning before church I gathered some quotes and thought I was ready. Needless to say it didn't go too well. My talk was like 4 minutes and consisted mostly of nervous chatter, which seems to have offended a large portion of the congregation. Sam did great as usual, how do you sound like an adult at the pulpit? I seriously feel like I should be holding up pictures as if I was giving a talk in primary. Oh well, I hope to someday become a real adult. Or at least sound like one.
We're lucky to have Monday nights together as a family. Sam gets 2 days off work a week so we take advantage of every minute! Monday we were invited to dinner with some of our friends. It was fun! We ate Mexican food at the Blue Iguana. Now, this place frustrates me. Sam and I keep going there hoping to be impressed. But for some reason their food fails to deliver and they continue to use mayonnaise on their "dinner salads". PLEASE, is it too much to ask for a decent Mexican food restaurant in Utah? Apparently so. Afterwards we got ice cream and played the Newlywed Game. Sam and I won! I think it's because we aren't afraid of offending each other so we tell the truth and get the points!
Every time I speak in church, I feel like a total bimbo. I keep rambling on and on and talk about stupid stuff.
And don't talk to me about bad mexican food. The most passable "mexican" restaurant here uses kraft slices of plastic cheese in their food. At least you have Beto's. The meat might be from questionable sources, but at least the spices are right.
Every picture you take of Landon is so cute. It's like he's posing for you. Ella always looks drunk in hers because her eyes seem to always be half way closed.
I am impressed with patience to look for a bargin, I just can not do that! Hopefully you can come down to Arizona soon for some real Mexican food!!
Great Job finding the bargain! We have been trained well by the master of all deal finders. What The he_ _ is a POPET?????? My poor, sweet sister, what you meant to say was PULPIT! I'm sure your talk was lovely! I teach Mia Maids now and I feel like I am just rambling because I start speaking without really having an end thought in mind and I just hope they get the overall message. I do pity your lack of Mexican food. Maybe in Cali!
Me again...tell Sam that we took Ella trick-or-treating last year when she was five months old. I went to two neighbors houses and felt retarded because it was obvious I was trying to "reap the benefits". My child had no teeth! So if you ever need a chicken costume for an infant, we have one.
Well, I am personally proud of your frugal habbits and find nothing to be ashamed of. WHAT A THRILL. I never saw anything cuter than his little pumpkin outfit!!!! Way to go!!!!!! Who cares what the neighbors think as long as you can get your food storage loaded with chocolate. That is going to be one of the most valuable things in your storage. I laugh the ENTIRE time I am reading your entries. I am sure you gave a wonderful talk. I only wish I could have been there. We have to figure a way to be together more often. My heart is breaking to be so far away from both of the new babies and Ella. I just need to kiss Landon's chubby cheeks and squeeze his legs. I think you should take Erica up on the chicken costume for your next child.
okay I have joined the group. I think your baby is absolutely darling and i need to see him. PLEASE come and visit us soon. I also think the costume is adorable and what a deal!!! My kids call me 'the jew' because I am so tight..they also frequently use the name 'squeak' so as far as bargains go I say keep up the happy hunting!!
I don't think you are going to be able to hold him for much longer! j/k But seriously, he looks bigger than you in that pic! He is just getting cuter and cuter! I think you are going to have to bring that pumpkin outfit to LA so we can get some cute pictures in it!
I hear ya on the 2 month old wearing 6 month clothes....that was Camden and it doesn't stop at least he hasn't I swear every time I turn around he needs a whole new wardrobe because everything is to small and it gets expensive so if you can find a bargain go for it!
Wow. Those pictures are adorable. I bought the same $1.00 hat for Logan at Target too! They are twins! I think that is the cutest little baby and looks equally like his mom and dad. I love you guys and miss you so much! Hope to see you real soon.
you're all bundled up!? i saw those $1 deals! too cute! i love landon! does he miss us?? i will die when we're asked to speak in church..
girl yo baby is fat and cute. i love the picture of him simling, he makes smith faces.
I too am a bargain shopper, I have a hard time buying because I always think I can find it cheaper somewhere else. I know what you mean about speaking in church. Jake and I spoke a few months ago, I prepared alot but then when I got up there my voice was all wierd and shaky, and All i can remember saying is "it's true, the church is true" (i'm such an idiot). As for good mexican food in utah, good luck. I'm living the high life out here in Cali (there are so many Mexican food places) and after 5 years in Utah I'm soak'n up every minute. One place Jake and I really liked was the "RED IGUANA" in SLC. try it out we liked it but it was always crowded. (Wow this is the longest comment ever).
hey Amy, I got your blog from Ashleys site, i hope you don't mind. Holy cow time flys, you have such a cute family, I can't believe your a mom, you look so cute. And your son is huge and adorable. I here what you're saying about halloween, wait till you have 3 kids.
At least you're in Utah where it won't be like 90 degrees on Halloween - we had Matthew in a pumpkin outfit last year, and he was pretty miserable.
i doubt they're together anymore she is so cute- WHY him!? i already have my DVR set for SundaY!!!! she does hair too..
It is so weird to me that you have a kid... we just missed the whole thing. I wish I could be there to play with him. I love his pumpkin costume!!
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