Landon is teething. He's barely 4 months and has 2 teeth trying to grow out of his gums. He's been a trooper! When my wisdom teeth were growing in it hurt, so I immediately had them removed. Since we can't use this remedy on Landon, he's been living on teething tablets (thanks posey). I decided since he can hold up his head, and almost has teeth it is time to introduce rice cereal. Sick. I forgot that he doesn't know how to do anything, including eat off a spoon. Bottles are so much easier! I assume he'll get it one of these days. As for now we'll just enjoy being covered in goop!
oh, man.... my nephews teethed at 4 months! That sucks, But baby wise babies are better teethers, so you will be fine! that is crazy how old he is getting!
he is so beautiful!!!! some pics look like you Amy and then the next ones I see look just like Sam. I remember this stage... have fun. love bean
He is so danged cute. Hes getting big and looks so much like Sam!
Landon is the cutest and is growing way too fast! can't wait to hold him again. We love you guys.
wa that means he's getting big :(
Brayton started teething then too. He was so good though. so that was a blessing! Landon is so cute. His eyes are so pretty. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! good luck with the teething and the baby food.
Haha you baby is such a cutie. I can't believe he is already getting teeth that seems too young to me.
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