This year for Thanksgiving I decided to go all out! We have had a 20lb turkey in our freezer for almost a year. I bought everything needed for a delicious Thanksgiving supper, and I was determined to finally cook the sucker. I don't know what happened!?! Maybe it was the fact that Sam was going to be at work. Or maybe I just got lazy. I was secretly thinking that if I had all the fix-ins somehow the huge meal would prepare itself. No luck. Thursday came and our delicious Thanksgiving meal was no where to be found. I couldn't bare to let Sam go to work on an empty stomach, especially today, so we ventured out to find somewhere

to eat. We had very few options, 2 in fact. Our 1st choice, Chuck-A-Rama, was too packed. I couldn't bare the thought of fighting 500 other people over salad tongs, or watching strangers up to their elbows as they dug through the mashed potatoes. Village Inn would have to suffice. Sam got a breakfast skillet, and I got to

sit next to the dirty kitchen with my tuna sandwich. Sam should have requested the day off so we could spend it with family and enjoy a real Thanksgiving dinner, but for some reason we thought that the 2 days of pay-and-a-half at work would taste so much better. Hmmmm, maybe next year... how long does a frozen turkey stay good anyway?
oooooh Chuck-o-Rama! The one time we ate there, I was so grateful that I made it out alive! There were soooo many polgamists there! (we were in st. george) All staring me down. Creepy!!
Sad! We had a 10 gallon bucket of shluff to feed the crowd here! I'll mail you the leftovers! Your videos have been the high point of the reunion! (and you're missing numerous Settlers games with goat man)
I here ya Amy... we did nothing for Turkey Day... it happened to fall on our anniversary. I ate at Chuck a Ramma for T-day once... no comment. The whole point of going to a restaurant is so you don't have to work for your food. Sam looks like he enjoyed him omlet.
What am I from southern Utah... "him omlet"
amy!! sad..
What a sad Thanksgiving. At least you had good intentions with the turkey in your freezer. We missed you at the reunion. Your video was the best by far! Everyone was commenting how good you are at making them.
sounds like a fun thanksgiving!! amy, landon is so darling. i really wish i could squeeze his chunkiness... he's a handsome little guy!
your babus is so fat and cute. Yes please to the photo studio at the in-laws...however I am flying home, because I can't find a ride to St. George. Just bring max to christmas with you!
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