While I really shouldn't complain, it is what I do best. Just ask Sam. Salt Lake has been especi

ally kind to me in providing a VERY mild winter thus far. Last month was beautiful, no snow what so ever! I knew it was unreasonable to hope for a December free of snow, and to my dismay I woke to the lovely scene pictured above. I won't lie. I already spend most of my time inside, but now I really have an excuse. I refuse to take Landon out in such a wretched state... or maybe I refuse to take myself out. Either way, I'm doomed

to stay indoors for the week we have left here in SLC. A smart person would have spent the past week packing, enjoying the weather etc. Not me. I found some other things to fill my endless days at home alone while Sam slaves away with finals and work. I shaved Landon a mohawk. He actually doesn't have enough hair for this particular style, but then he really doesn't have enough hair for ANY style, so why not?! I sold our washer/dryer on craigslist. Now I have a legit excuse for not doing laundry ;). Oh, I did take down all our curtains, pictures, and other decor around the apartment. We are far from being packed up, but it's a start! We finally got out on Friday when Sam got done with work. We went down to Provo to watch his brother play in a basketball tournament. Maybe this week I will be more proactive with my time, I gues
s I have to be if I ever want to leave this Frozen Hell!
Yeah I feel the same way you do about the snow! I just hated it when I was living in Utah. About your spelling Bee I beat after you missed that you never missed it again.
that is retarded! I can;t imagine living in the snow. I love the mohawk!
Oh I am so jealous. I love the snow! I was so bummed when it didnt snow while we were there in utah and idaho. But why are you guys moving? better job or what? sorry to be so nosy:) when it comes to packing I am the biggest procrastinator ever! I hate that I do it and yet I do it every time we move.
Snow is utterly ridiculous! It HURTS to be cold!
it turned out cute! that child is doomed to ever letting his hair grow! k that snow must have happened like the night i texted you and you said 'no snow' that washer and dyer was yours?? what are you guna do with your laundry for a week!? you're already moving next week?? oo you will relive our first move to utah! in the SNOW!!!! i'm not jealous of you AT ALL!! sorry! we were all bundled up at the ASU game last night and it was like 56 degrees!!
Amy and Sam and baby Landon, we are so glad to get you out of the snow. You will not be much warmer here, but at least no snow. I love your comments on the blog. Can't wait to see cute (mohak) Landon. Amy your so weird!See you all soon.
So glad to get you kids out of the snow. Good luck packing. Can't wait to get you all here safe and sound. Love you all!
so happy to get you out of the snow soon. good luck packing and we will see you all safe and sound soon.
I am so glad that somebody else hates the snow! We got snow a week ago and it was miserable! Lucky for me it warmed up this last weekend and most of it melted.
WHAT!!!! sam- you're crazy! he can't carry a tree back up the mountains! IN the snow!! you at least get to enjoy your in-laws decorations! we'll enjoy my moms! that's her sugar plum fairy tree- she calls it! that's 1 of the 3 she has!! it's really cute!
sometimes i forget you have a child
the look of that snow makes me sick!!!! i dont know how you do it. and i love the turkey dinner story. building memories. your little boy is cuter than ever. Max (our dog) has been a hand full... cory and i have relized we will wait alittle longer for kids. it was good to hear from you.
Amy! It is Mckell. You know you don't want to leave Salt Lake, just admit it. You will miss me too much...not. But I will miss you guys! You will especially miss your fav workplace!
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