For his birthday, my parents gave Sam tickets to

see Paul Potts in concert. Lucky me! About a year ago Sam showed me this amazing
video of a silly looking man on the show Britain's Got Talent. Sam and I both fell in love with his story, and his awesome talent. The concert was such a great experience, we got to go with my parents, and my aunt. The music was truly moving and I remain in awe over the talent and humility of this strange little man.

I have only seen him on TV but it was amazing!
That is a funny video. I love the way they show everyone's reactions. And the judge who looks like she is crying. I have never heard of Paul Potts before. He is pretty amazing.
All i can say is wow!!!
"Greetings, Shumway Family!!", from Steve and Spencer! (Your Uni Squad Partners in Crime!) We just wanted to check up on you guys!!----I used to live in Gilbert and Mesa! It's friggin' Hot!!
just come over some time!
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