Well the worst thing that could possibly happen, happened! Actually, I'm sure there are worse things, but this is still pretty bad. MY CAMERA BROKE! That's right, broke! It still takes pics and everything seems to work, except the focus. So everything ends up blurry. This is very depressing because I carry my camera with me everywhere, and usually find very interesting people/things to capture. Until we get it fixed I will just steal pictures off the Internet to illustrate our family happenings.

Since mo

ving down I have had the opportunity to teach a dance class at my sister, EmmaLee's dance studio. It has been so much fun to get back into dancing again. Today the girls performed at the

County Fair. Talk about memories! Not too long ago it was me and my friends on the stage performing. Besides the gimlets trying to run the sound equipment, the show went pretty smoothly. Afterwards we enjoyed all the fair had to offer... or at least tried to enjoy it. We

only lasted about an hour once the show was over. Just enough time to choke down a very deceiving corndog, and go on one ride. It was hot, dirty, and extremely overpriced. Not to mention the flocks of Carnies pestering you to throw darts and other objects in their impossible

games for the chance to win dirty, flea infested stuffed animals. Apparently anyone can work there, no brain, no limbs, no problem! Now that's the kind of person I want setting up and operating life threatening rides. Not exactly how I remember the Fair, I guess the "magic" dies with age... or maybe it was never really magic. Here's hoping the State Fair will actually deliver.

Hooray! A new post! How sad about your camera. That would be especially unfortunate at a picture goldmine such as the county fair. At least you had it for the Renaissance festival. I have been hugely disappointed by the fair too. Everything is disgusting and super expensive.
Some people may not say they want to be a carnie when they grow up, but deep down they know it's in their blood. Hope things are going well down there for you all, I just talked to Scott Bryner, he might be taking a job down that way also. MAybe we better just move down and join the fun. Sam how is the website coming? Keep me posted.
Im selling my camera. Its a nice one...
Okay, My lil camera did the EXACT same thing! It sucks!
That sucks! As for the state fair....couldn’t agree more I don't think I ever liked it!
You were brave to ride anything... I was telling Ray that based on the fact that they couldn't figure out a CD player, I wasn't too confident in their ability to put together a safe bungee-jumping experience.
you might be going to hell. i remember state fairs...my fav. was wearing that turtleneck blue onsie and i got major swass! Also our gigantic tutus.
aw- memories!!!
I love that you dance because I love to dance too!! Sorry about your camera!!
Hey Amy and Sam! This is Jessica Bandley(Sam's cousin).I'm getting married in June and I really want to send you an invite, but I do not know your where abouts. Thanks!
P.S. Landon is adorable!
Oh..you can e-mail your address to me at bandleyj@unlv.nevada.edu. Thank you!
Just check'n in on your family. Sorry about your camera. I hate that...I'm jealous to see that you're back in AZ. Hope everything is going well.
Hey girly! sorry about your camera. Ok you don't know how hard I laughed about the hip hop question. I am like a grandma when it comes to hip hop, any funk I once had was totally lost once I got married. haha! (jazz or technique...maybe) but no hip hop. Definately if she wanted a yoga or pilates class, I could do that. Where is the studio though? email me rwright@cci.edu
Oh yeah, and when are we going to hang out? I'm ticked!
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