Landon just turned 11 months old. For some reason I believed I would have my pre-pregnancy body back long before this point. When I first found out I was pregnant I quit going to the gym, and continued to eat anything I wanted... sometimes double. Needless to say I got HUGE! It is actually quite sickening. At the time I thought it was fine, it would all just fall off once the baby was born. WRONG! I'm still 30lbs overweight. Or at least I was. When I moved to AZ in February EmmaLee and I got gym memberships and what turned out to be a short bout of motivation. We would even get up at 5 am to go to the work-out classes. Then in April my dear sister found out she was expecting. I think we've been once since. I only mention this for my own justification for not going to the gym. I am fully aware I can (
and have a couple of times) go to the gym alone. Now, onto the point. EmmaLee recently opened her
dance studio at a new location, which comes with the added luxury of having more classes. For 1 month now, every Tuesday and Thursday I have faithfully shown up to Boot Camp to have my butt whipped into shape. I love it!! Heidi, the instructor, is GREAT! I am loving the results already and should be (
if i'm good) back to not only pre-pregnancy, but high school weight by the end of the next two months!! Don't get me wrong, it's really hard work, but totally worth it. Once the Camp is over I will (
maybe) post before and after pics. Since my days of consuming LARGE amounts of whatever I want without consequence are long over, I can at least soften the blow by getting in some great work-outs.
*if you're interested in the camp, call Heidi (480) 242-6602