Landon just turned 11 months old. For some reason I believed I would have my pre-pregnancy body back long before this point. When I first found out I was pregnant I quit going to the gym, and continued to eat anything I wanted... sometimes double. Needless to say I got HUGE! It is actually quite sickening. At the time I thought it was fine, it would all just fall off once the baby was born. WRONG! I'm still 30lbs overweight. Or at least I was. When I moved to AZ in February EmmaLee and I got gym memberships and what turned out to be a short bout of motivation. We would even get up at 5 am to go to the work-out classes. Then in April my dear sister found out she was expecting. I think we've been once since. I only mention this for my own justification for not going to the gym. I am fully aware I can (
and have a couple of times) go to the gym alone. Now, onto the point. EmmaLee recently opened her
dance studio at a new location, which comes with the added luxury of having more classes. For 1 month now, every Tuesday and Thursday I have faithfully shown up to Boot Camp to have my butt whipped into shape. I love it!! Heidi, the instructor, is GREAT! I am loving the results already and should be (
if i'm good) back to not only pre-pregnancy, but high school weight by the end of the next two months!! Don't get me wrong, it's really hard work, but totally worth it. Once the Camp is over I will (
maybe) post before and after pics. Since my days of consuming LARGE amounts of whatever I want without consequence are long over, I can at least soften the blow by getting in some great work-outs.
*if you're interested in the camp, call Heidi (480) 242-6602
I wished that I lived there so I could go with you! I’m preggers again and terrified I will gain a ton of weight! But at least we can say we had huge babies that helped out on the scale right!?!
Good for you! I'm excited for the before and after pics. I wish I could do something like that. Of course I'd probably be the whiny girl in class, sprawled out on the floor crying, "I CAN'T do anymore pushups! I'm dying!". I'm sad because I have gained weight since having Ruby. That's just not how it's supposed to happen.
That is awesome. I had heard about some boot camo thing like a couple months ago and heard it was awesome so I tried calling the girl and she never called me back. But how much does this boot camp cost and where is it? I would love something like that!!!! We could do it together:) I am so over weight its not even funny! I hate it and just want to be cute and skinny again!!!! GRRRRR!!!!!
wow!! I need to follow your fine example and join a boot camp. I don't think they offer that here in SV..I try to ride my bike everyday and do other stuff..but boot camp would be much more effective.. I am excited to see the before and after too,,,, does your dear mother go too??? I am jealous.
I had the opportunity to do a boot camp for a few months and it was the best thing I could have ever done! The weight dropped off so quickly and my camp was only once a week! Can't wait to hear about your results!
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