Landon and

I drove with my mom and sisters to Utah last weekend. The girls are starting the BYU semester and we, along with my kind aunt Amy were hauling them and their crap up to Provo. I think I was possessed when I decided to tag along. I had sworn off EVER driving to Utah again, and now I remember why. We left at 6 am, and not even 10min out of the gate and we were involved in a fender-bender. Thank goodness it wasn't our fault... well... legally

anyway. None of us were seriously injured (including our car). I wish I could say the same for my poor aunt who was smashed between our (abruptly stopped) car and the kid behind her who didn't see us stop so quickly. 3 hours, a tow truck, and a rental car later we were back on the road, but not for long. We stopped in Flagstaff

for lunch... and after another 3 hours we hit the road again. The trip continued in this fashion causing us to finally arrive at our condo by 1 am. We picked up Buff who had been living as a transient for the last month in the SLC valley. The six of us spent the majority of the weekend in the car, running errands and gathering supplies for Natalli and Kami. Landon is the best baby in the world, sorry but it's true. He didn't cry or

whine once the entire weekend, which is a lot more than I can say for any of the adults in our party. Buff kept herself entertained as usual, which kept me entertained. We all learned some interesting stories about each other, some funny, some perverted (mom), I was threatened with my life so I can't go into detail. The trip ended up being really fun... well, fun. It was good to spend time with my younger sisters before their semester started, and I'm glad I went!

nice rainbow effect and lush mountain scene...quite the talent
is natalli really old enough to go to college????
an accident in the first ten minutes?! i guess i shouldn't be surprised. i am jealous about all the girl talk and i want to know your mom's saucy story...i knew all that innocence was just an act!
excellent pictures. the one of buff doing the pillow dive in ross is hilarious. the one with the mountains made me think of the sound of music. entertaining post, as always!
oh my- i can only imagine!!
uh.. did you see the comment under my random post?? and i was sick of googling things and my posts pop up
THANKS for waiting around for all the hassle! I''m so glad it turned out well, despite the crummy beginning. Only yesterday did Allstate talk to the kid and assume total liability! Landon was an angel. I wouldn't have believed any little guy could be so good on a long trip like that! I'm glad you had that together time -- just wish (like Richard) that there had been a live microphone in there! haha.
hey sister, that's really sweet.
p.s. i made a blog!!! it's the moment you've all been waiting for! check er out!
hello there! i'm glad you found me! i blog stalk you all the time, so now its an official thing instead of a "sneaky, you have no idea i'm looking at your page" thing and now i can leave comments and you wont think i'm weird. how fun
wow what a trip! wish I could have gone. Your fam is so great! Yes, Lando is a super baby! Love You Guys!
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