Richard surprised my mom and flew in for the weekend with Ruby. It was good to see them both, even though Ruby scared the crap out of Landon despite him being twice her size. Don't let this picture fool you, I had to Photoshop this face onto Landon since every time Ruby was near he started crying. They are the closest cousins in age, almost exactly 2 months apart. By the end of their visit Landon had warmed up to Ruby just enough to handle being in the same room as her with out bursting into tears. We miss having Ella and Ruby near by!
did you really have to photoshop that face on?! ha ha! ruby's such a bully. i guess landon's just used to all the bigger kids being around. thanks for taking such good care of my baby while she was there, since i'm sure richard made you babysit all the time.
I haven't been on for so long! He has gotten so big! I love the picture of Landon and sam on the side!
Oh how fun. I think that is so funny that he cried every time he saw Ruby. Did you really photoshop the picture?
thats cute. She's big!
K so I have to tell you the other day I was out with a good friend from highschool and it got me thinking back to the old days. We seriously had SOOOO much fun! So many good memories and good friends! Those were some of the best times! I miss it!!!
hola familia Shums Estamos muy contentos de conocer a su hermoso hijo y de saber que estan bien, nosotros somos la "familia Wright" Astrid, Ben y Santiago, yo Astrid soy de Venezuela Y Sam me enseno el evangelio y Haora vivimos aqui en Utah, este es nuestro Blog
Muchos saludos:)
HI Shum family somos la "familia Wright"Astrid, Ben y Santiago
estamos muy contentos de Conocer
a su hermoso bebe, NOsotros estamos
viviendo en Utah y este es nuetro
blog http://wright-angulo.blogspot.com
How funny we were blogging at the same time! Not alot of people can claim that privelege, seeing that I am on about once a month! ha ha We do need to play! A date with the kiddo's so I can see Lando and then we also should do a girls night!
did you really photo shop his face in there, I don't beleive you.
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