I've heard that television is bad for children. "It rots your brains", or something like that. That's what my mom swore to us anyway. We weren't convinced, my mom is not very scary. Landon is just over a year and a half old, and has watched cartoons every morning since birth. Now before all you perfect mothers start judging me let me justify this fact by mentioning that these cartoons are educational. Recently Landon has been receiving a lot of attention concerning his development, and I am not talking about his physique.
(He has been the size of a 3 year old for 6 months now.) He knows the alphabet and recognizes just about all of the letters. He knows all the shapes, all the colors, and can count to 29. He has always been good about remembering things we teach him, so to me this is just normal. Considering my background a normal kid is more than I could ever ask for! I don't have any other kids, or friends with kids his age to compare him to. BUT whenever we go out and people hear him counting to himself or pointing to letters he recognizes they act totally amazed after asking his age. I am by no means tooting my own horn or trying to brag. I'm just a proud parent and take no credit for my baby's learning. Sam and I swear it's thanks to the TV. So, obviously I do not condemn TV watching (until you become physically attached to, and must be surgically removed from your sofa). In fact I accredit everything I know to shows like Saved by the Bell and TGIF, not to mention the many copied VHS movies found in the Smith family colleciton.
Love that Landon! He can count higher than Ella! I love tv for my kids too. How else would Ella have learned to count in Spanish, than by watching Dora? Just don't let him start watching regular Disney movies. That's all Ella will watch now, and they don't teach anything valuable.
He really is a smart kid! I still say you could make some $ off his talents!
I'm glad good things can come from the tv albeit lost.
Aww how cute. He is a smartie alright. WOW! Even some of my prechoolers still cant count to29. GO LANDON
tv is the best educational tool EVAH!
Whenever one of my kids amazes me with some chunk of brilliance I'll be all, "where in the heck did you learn that?!" Their response? "Shows!!"
Ok except Ben who happens to be the genius nerdy type who reads books all the time.
I coudn't agree more with TV being GOOD thing these days. Ya if you don't pay attention to your kid all day and sit them in front of the TV I guess that's the ony way it could be bad. TV shows for kids are so educational now a days. Anaston is the same way! She has always been very advenced and ahead of herself and most of it she has got from her shows. More power to you!
Well that is just fantasic... I love it when people point out how less advanced my kid is! j/k. Don't you remember that ALL the smith kids were like major smartie pants as kids? I wonder where he gets it? I'm just saying... I would blame it more on the genetics........
Well, since the TV wasn't invented till after I was a couple of years old, I think the geniousnes of Landon must come from his grandma or maybe it's the power lines....
He is a really smart kid. Whatever you guys are doing keep it up. I just might have to bring my kids over, when i have kids, so you can teach them. Miss you guys...We all had fun when you guys were here.
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