I am well aware that this post is premature, but with Sam's next semester looming (and looking busier than ever) it looks like I will have some
extra free time on my hands. In short- it's time to craft.
I've made our Halloween costumes the last 2 years and plan to continue as long as Landon will cooperate. I am drawing a blank this year and need some inspiration. Here is what I have so far:
David the Gnome- I found a great pattern for this.

Syndrome from Incredibles- This is Landon's exact body, and with his hair grown out I think we can achieve this look.

The Mad Hatter- not sure which version (I would be Alice... yes, I still dress up)

Which idea do you like best?? OR do you have a better one?!
all great ideas. I think the incredibles one would be coolest though (i just pictured landon with long red hair in a spandex jumpsuit).
Mad hatter is cool
Syndrome, because the gnome is too similar to last year's, and this may be the last time in his life you can get him to wear a unitard! Please fly down for our Halloween party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Syndrome or Mad Hatter. I know whatever he is, he'll be cute!
why is this even a question? He needs to be CHarles Neilson Riley from match game, and I need to be bret sommers. PLEASE???
He should be Syndrome his hair would look awesome for that!
Syndrome for sure. I can picture his face now.
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