There's the right way, the wrong way, and the SHUMway!
jack-o-lantern blaze
Remember that creepy old Disney cartoon about the Headless Horseman? Well I recently found out we live about an hour away from Sleepy Hollow, NY where that story takes place! Every Halloween they have a huge jack-o-lantern blaze on the grounds of one of the many estates there. So Katie and I packed up the kids and headed off (get it) to the blaze. Since it was Katie's birthday we stopped for some Mexican food AND it was actually decent!! While waiting for it to get dark we ventured around the town to see some of the creepy sights, and to treat ourselves to some pumpkin pie ice cream. The blaze was AMAZING! There were so many pumpkins, each carved with incredible detail. I wish the pictures did our experience justice. I would urge each of you to join me next year- just fly out, no biggie! Landon loved our adventure and occasionally talks about Ichabod Crane like they're old friends.
remind me of this next year and I will definitely drive up! with or without richard. it might give my girls a complex to be around creepy stuff, but it would be fun!
remind me of this next year and I will definitely drive up! with or without richard. it might give my girls a complex to be around creepy stuff, but it would be fun!
Amazing, I just can't imagine how fun that was!
How fun!
OH!!! I wish I was there this instant.
That looks amazing. Man I would love to go to that. Sleepy Holow was one of my fav movies...LOL
Email some of those photos my way please. I am glad we can go on adventures with the kids.
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