A few of the young families around here got together this year to celebrate Thanksgiving since our extended families all live in other states. This was especially nice because we had a fantastic meal and none of us had to do ALL the cooking. I broke-in my new Kitchen Aid mixer
(best bday gift ever!) and whipped up a couple batches of my mom's rolls, and a chocolate chip cheesecake. I was also in charge of the mashed potatoes. About 20 people were at the dinner so I was eternally grateful when Sam volunteered to peel all the potatoes. Since our hostess' oven quit working Thanksgiving morning I also had the turkey in my oven all day. Our house smelled like heaven with all that food cooking. We loaded up the car and headed to the Shepard's for the feast. I'm so thankful for the great friends we've made here, they certainly made our holiday more full.
And what's Thanksgiving without Black Friday?!
Don't worry mom, I braved Joann's at the break of dawn to load up on our year's supply of flannel.