eye high
Who can tell me what is wrong with this picture? Since we plan on moving in December we decided to take full advantage of our insurance while we can. We've been in and out of Dr's offices a bunch lately. Our most recent adventure was to the Optometrist. Sam has contacts but likes to take them out and wear glasses at times. However, he has been sporting the same glasses since 1998! That's almost 10 years. So, not only was it well past time to upgrade the style, maybe now he will actually be able to see while wearing them since his poor sight has increased well past his old prescription's capabilities. Lately I noticed myself squinting a lot more than normal, especially when trying to read the subtitles of our newest hobby; watching Spanish movies. Judging by Sam's muffled snickering at my attempt to read the vision chart, apparently my sight is worse than I thought. Instead of blasting our eyes with the usual "puff" of air the Dr decided to dilate our pupils with what I swear was poison. Not only did we have to endure the searing acid in our eyes, we were semi blind for quite some time after. The effects left Sam's pupils lop-sided but at least he could see out of one eye. Mine were equally deformed and I was starting to get frustrated at not being able to read the time on my phone, or anything else for that matter. We're all better now, and should have a good 10 years before we go back!
I'm always putting that off - I always tell them "next time." I guess someday I'll have to break down and go blind for a while.
Ok so if anyone knows bad eye sight...its me. legally blind without my contacts (i never wear glasses cause theyre so thick its scary. seriously like ice cubes!). Hate Hate the puff of air!!! Its the worst. And the eye test is so embarrasing cause I can only read the Top letter! (which doesnt even count cause we all know its E!!) Then the Grandpa glasses they give you to wear after dialation are always super cool. Weird that only one of his eyes was like That? well thanks for letting me vent about my hatred to the eye exams!
oh my goodness, but glad your getting this stuff done.
K that is crazy! I know for a fact that I have to get my eyes checked but just havent gotten to it. I dont want things like that to happen to my eyes:) I am nervous that I will have to wear glasses because I do not look cute in glasses. Good luck with all the dr visits.
Did you guys get to wear the grandma glasses home? The black plastic things that unroll to stay on your face? Those are hillarious!!
Amy, this is so funny. Taylor has had his glasses just as long. what is wrong with these boys? So do you have glasses or contacts or what?
sorry about the dialations! i love that picture of landon at 10 weeks. gotta love those cheeks!
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