We were in desperate need of a vacation. So, we flew to California and spent a wild week with my family. My mom had a timeshare at a condo across the street from Disney Land so we took advantage of the opportunity. It was so nice, each family had their own room in the condo. Monday we hit Universal Studios, Tuesday we headed to Sea World, we spent Wednesday at Huntington Beach, then Thursday-Saturday we played at Disney Land. Talk about a week crammed full of fun! The best part was eating at a different delicious restaurant every night. Everyone but my brother's were able to come. Each family even made matching T-shirts to wear to Disney Land (cheesy, i know). Landon was surprisingly very good! I was afraid that he might keep us up all night because of the wacky schedule and new surroundings, but he actually slept better than ever! We're up to 11 hours through the night! At Disney Land we were able to "child swap" so we didn't have to wait in line twice for the rides that were too scary for the little ones. Landon was able to go on most of the Disney rides anyway. Now that we're home I get to unpack, do laundry and pack again for my trip to AZ this Friday, I can't wait! Here are a few pics from the vacation.

James and Blake (nephews)

We love the "Saw" movies!

Our big boy!

Sugar Shack! Yummmm.

"Most Creative"
Our shirts won "Funniest"

ok you guys are hilarious! i thought buff wasn't going?? what a fun week! your shirts were the best! how'd you make them? i always wanna make shirts but don't know how! :( nice hat Sam!
I am cracking up at your shirts!!!! Best EVER!!!! I'm so sad we couldn't come to the family vacay. And hooray for 11 hours at night for Landon. I know you're doing Baby Wise...when do you start letting them cry it out? I can't remember. Is three weeks too soon?! Just kidding!
I'm always most creative
Love the shirts!
Wow what a week! You guys look great! Love the football baby! and the shirts!
Umm, not to hound you on your grammar, but it's brothers, plural, not brother's, possessive. Don't worry, I talk good english too.
And I like the shirts but I'm a little disappointed EmmaLee and Ray didn't go with the my little pony motif.
which kind of paper? i've bought 2 kinds and they're not the right one..
You guys are so much fun...looks like it was a great trip!!
What do your sisters shirts say? Also, I love Landon's perfectly round little bald head on the airplane. He is getting cuter and cuter everyday!
did that... you have to show me this week while you're here i'm retarded! i can't wait to see Lando!!!
Looks like you guys has a blast. I love going to Dinseyland I think our family is headed there in November. Hopefully jacob and i will be able to go.
THAT was a very good week. I wish I was there now and forever. Mom PS you did a fine job of documenting!
It was so fun to see you at lunch! Hopefully we'll all be able to get together before you go back since the pumpkin carving didn't work out! I'm jealous you went to Disneyland and my favorite breakfast place ever...Sugar Shack!
Hi Amy,
I saw Sam and asked him if he had any pictures of the baby. So, he gave me your web page. I'm lovin it. You guys are the cutest family!! Landon is adorable, I can't tell wich he looks like most; I'd say a little bit of both.
So you know about McKell, that's awesome!! I'm way excited for her. And your moving, That's cool. St George is awesome, Todd and I just went canyoneering and had a blast. Don't worry I won't tell anyone you're moving =).
Hey if you'd like to see some pics of us we're on facebook under Cecilia Campbell. Married life is great. =) Send me your e-mail, I'd like to keep in touch. Here's my e-mail address cpchood@yahoo.com.
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