This year we were able to attend (my cousin) Melinda's annual Easter

Picnic. Some of the festivities included great bbq, egg hunts, sand volleyball and my favorite, treats! For those not so familiar with my family, the striking model

above is my mother. She works as a school nurse, so she had the whole week off for spring break. We started the week by eating out for multiple meals each day, but by Wednesday decided to sit down and create a menu so we can take turns cooking dinner each night. We lasted two days, which yielded very delicious meals, and by Friday were back out to eat for date night. We will try this cooking thing again next week. It was fun to gather Easter supplies for all the grandkid's baskets with her. We went to

Dollar Tree thinking we'd knock it out for a few bucks and failed miserably, spending over $60. Landon went on his first Easter hunt and with a little help found so

me great prizes. Sam spoiled me with DVDs, candy, and some makeup from Sephora. I got Sam another controller for the PS2. I know I shouldn't be encouraging this behavior, but at least now he won't have to play his video games alone.