We took a trip to St. George a couple weeks ago because our good friends got married. Sam went to high school with Wayne and when we lived in SLC we were able to hang out with him occasionally. Towards the end of our SLC days Molly
(Wayne's gf) moved into the unit right below us, so we were able to hang out a LOT! We miss our SLC friends and it was really good to see a bunch of them.

Here is Shawn and Hayley, our great SG friends. We were all WAY over dressed for the groom's dinner. Once we realized how silly we looked, we spent a half hour in the parking lot laughing and debating whether or not to go change. They had a BBQ later in the week. It was fun to get all the kids together.

Since the wedding was in St. George we of course stayed a whole week. Landon fits right in with all his little boy cousins. We went to a bounce house place where we all ran around like maniacs, I have the scars to prove it. Landon was fearless and couldn't get enough of this HUGE slide.