
school's out!

School's out! Well, technically Sam is still in school even though he is finally done with all things "schooly". Now he just has 14 months of clinical work and a test every 6 weeks, which should be cake considering the hell he went through last year. Landon however, is officially on summer break! I signed him up for another round of swim lessons and can only hope this session goes better than last... He does great when he's swimming, he just doesn't shut up long enough to let his coach get 2 words in. In fact ever since the arrival of Crew, my sweet Landon has gained quite the personality... or should I say attitude! Here are some pictures I found in his cubby on the last day of school. I suppose they gave up after this shot. This should be a fun summer...



One of the first things I noticed when Crew was born, is that he looks JUST like Landon. I think Landon is pretty cute, so that's just fine with me!


father & son campout

After the worst week of Sam's life, which consisted of 6 tests in 5 days and a total of 3hrs of sleep, he got to take Landon to the ward camp outing. Immediately after finishing his last final Sam rushed home and loaded up the jeep. Landon was so excited to see his daddy after not seeing him for days. I'm so grateful for a husband that loves to spend time with his boys!Unfortunately at only 2 weeks old, Crew had to miss the camping trip this year. BUT we did enjoy a nice evening at home with Ben & Jerry.

mother's day

I feel so blessed to have such wonderful boys. Tyra Banks once told me that a stay at home mom would earn roughly $130 thousand a year if she was paid for all the work that comes with being a mom. Sam still makes fun of me for arguing this fact... probably because Tyra Banks is an idiot. Even though it feels like the hardest job in the world at times, I wouldn't give it up for anything. Thanks to my awesome kids, who fill my life with love.And a special thanks to the mothers in my family for their example and selfless love.