Our little family was lucky enough to take a trip to St. George and spend a week with Sam's family. Each day was filled with lovely activities to occupy our time. Grandma Terry's house is absolute heaven for Landon, or any kid for that matter! She has every toy ever made, and lets the grand kids create any sort of chaos they wish. Landon has 2 cousins pretty close to his age who quickly became his new best friends.

The weather was beautiful so we spent many afternoons in the Shumway's lovely backyard. Sam rigged up the old dirt bike and (to my dismay) took Landon riding just about everyday. Landon doesn't know how to hold on so he just lays in Sam's lap, and then bursts into tears when it's time to get off.

I choose to ride the automatic 4 wheeler. I did learn to drive the dirt bike last time we were there, but it's too hard to shift and hold on to Landon. Plus, I don't tip over as much on a quad! I think Landon preferred the dirt bike, he kept calling the 4 wheeler a "tractor". He loves tractors, (just not as much as dirt bikes) so we had to make a trip to Stewart's job site for a ride on the real tractor.

The Thanksgiving feast this year was wonderful, and very much appreciated especially since our last thanksgiving was spent at the Salt Lake Village Inn.

I did get to do some shopping while Landon played in the fountain, and the boys got to do a little quail hunting. Too bad we had so much turkey left over, I was really looking forward to trying some fresh quail...

We were able to catch the last 10 seconds of the St. George Temple lighting ceremony. It is such a beautiful building. The Christmas lights were pretty too.

Landon did really well on the car ride, except, even with our busy week he wouldn't sleep. Thank goodness for the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD! We had such a great time! Thanks so much to our amazing family, we love and miss you guys!